Import of DEPOSIT Records
July 20, 2024
- External bank transactions need to be entered into Multidev for the bank reconciliation process to expect and accept bank provided data.
- Multidev has provided documentation on this utility.
- See documentation provided by Multidev: o:\misgrp\multidev\Implementation Documentation\ThirdPartyCreditManagementSvc.docx
- Changes made in this UI are not reflected until the service is stopped.
- Use care if editing .ini directly as stopping the services will write-back the values that are in place in the running service, i.e., just use the UI from the CFG button.
- Configuration details: \\c$\Multidev\Superform\Multidev3rdPartyCreditManagementSvc\Multidev3rdPartyCreditManagementSvc.ini
AR GL Code:101020
Default State: To be Approved
To Be Approved will allow deposits created by this method to be reviewed before being auto posted by any process in Accounting.
Skip Header: unchecked
Our output file will have a header
In Smartforms see Standard Reports, Email Configuration; per Paolo, the subject line of the email will show the result of the creating of the deposit record, e.g., success or fail